Dry skin looks like cigarette burn

Marks on skin that look like cigarette.
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15.03.2009 · Best Answer: urticaria (allergic manifestation contact of some allergen )
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it is two circles red on the out side and white on the inside. it burns a little bit at times. it sort of looks like a burn but i know it is not a burn. i have been
Does the skin rash associated with Fifth.
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I seem to constantly get these marks on my skin that look like cigarette burns. Starts off as a tiny burn but they aren't itchy. Anybody know why??
My 3 yr old son has these small circle spots on his upper arms, and now 1 on his upper thigh. They are flat, and almost resemble dry skin, the spots on his upper arms
23.12.2006 · Best Answer: That picture looks like rosacea to me. My younger daughter gets it. When my older daughter was young she had Fifths disease, twice! Once we
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Dry skin looks like cigarette burn
Dry skin looks like cigarette burn
skin rash looks like burn - MedHelpBest Acne Treatment and Acne Scar Removal. .